EFT Kids Programmes
1:1 Programme working with children on an individual basis over a 4 week period. Each session will be 30 mins and can be online or in person.
Group Tapping Workshops in Schools - focusing on emotional awareness, resilience and regulation.
Why EFT Tapping for Children?
By teaching kids how to tap, you are not only helping them to alleviate stress in the moment and create new neural pathways around resilience and positivity, but giving them a tool that is literally "at their fingertips" to apply anytime, anywhere for any issue.
EFT is a simple and highly effective self-help tool teachable to kids from ages 4 and up and can also help with:
Reduce stress, fear of failure, procrastination.
Brings mindful and grounded awareness to the present moment.
Support for friendship issues, anger, bullying.
Helps students lower their own stress levels and reduces teacher overwhelm.
Helps students reognise understand and express their emotions.
Helps academic performance with aiding memory, concentration and reducing self doubt.

Tapping benefits for Kids in the classroom...
Studies have shown that tapping with kids in the classroom for even 10 minutes at the beginning of each day can create positive changes such as:
Helping kids understand and manage their emotions.
Increasing focus and attention span.
Feeling happier and more confident in the school environment.
Foster security and compassion.
Increase resilience, motivation and self-esteem.