What I do...
An overview of how neurodiversity can present in the classroom. Knowledge is power.
Introduction to a low demand communication style and learn how it will benefit the students.
Learn about self-care practices that can be used personally and with your students.

How it works...
This 2 hour workshop is broken down as follows:
Part 1 - The first element of the session will be about information sharing, opportunities to ask questions and demonstration of self care techniques to use personally and with students in the classroom.
Part 2 - Staff will enjoy a relaxing meditation and sound bath.
Don't miss out on these invaluable and informative Croke Park hours.
Let me tell you how this training can make a real difference in your classroom...
You became a teacher because you wanted to make a difference in the life of a child, but you’re starting to question if you can meet the needs of such a diverse group of students. Every classroom is a neurodiverse classroom.
I see you and what I want for you is a classroom that doesn’t feel overwhelming for you or your students.
You already know that many students needs are complex. But, at times it’s all too much. What if I told you that nurturing your students and creating a calmer and more connected classroom isn’t about changing them, but about building strong connections, understanding their needs and being able to support them with their big emotions.
The techniques I share can be brought quickly and creatively into the classroom and become a part of your daily routine.
How empowering will it be to share tools with your students that will allow them foster and develop self regulation tools.
The inclusion of the meditation and sound bath at the end of my workshop is very important to me, as I have experienced first-hand the importance of filling our own cup and prioritising taking care of ourselves. This will be a really special way to integrate all that you have learned.
I can’t wait to share this special offering with you all.
What I want for your school...
Understand the different dynamics of Autism, PDA, and ADHD and how these differences can impact students in the classroom.
The importance of making genuine connections with you students. All individuals within the school environment have a part to play in the child's ability to thrive in school.
Learn techniques like EFT Tapping & Mindfulness to support yourself and your students inside and outside the classroom