Together we gather with meaning, intention & purpose

My Women's Circles are a place where women come together and sit in a circle created with the intention of making women feel seen, safe and heard on their journey through life.

A sacred place free of judgement, competition, expectation, pressure or noise.

A safe space just for you to go inwards and reconnect with yourself.

What is a Women's Circle....

The relatively simple practice of women coming together to sit and share. This is nothing new – circles have been taking place for thousands of years. At their simplest, women’s circles are where women sit together in a circle around a central alter.

There are opportunities to talk and listen. Importantly, other women don’t offer advice or pass judgement. It’s not therapy, but a safe space to hear and be heard.

It's a chance to tap into your inner feminine goddess if you want, or simply a place to sit down with other women and find sisterhood.

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What to expect at my Circle....

Grounding & Movement - I will talk you through a guided grounding meditation to bring your energy home, which will be followed by some light movement to open up your chakras and help release energy blocks.

Connection - A time for sharing what's coming up for you and explore the messages you are receiving. A time to listen and hold space for the other women in the circle.

Tapping - Demonstration of the tapping points followed by a tapping script based on the theme in place for the circle on the night.

Mindfulness - Lie back and relax as I bring you through a guided meditation accompanied by some peaceful music.

Reiki - When the guided meditation is over you will get a chance to lie in quite and I will give a short Reiki healing to each of the women attending.

✓ Self Care Tip & Card Pulling - I will share a self care tip that I use in my life and you will have the chance to pick some oracle and affirmation cards before the circle closes.

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  • Marie

    Thank you Grainne for a wonderful evening. I feel energised now, whereas I am normally knackered at this time. You were brilliant, totally natural, inviting, warm and fun. Well Done!!

  • Nichola

    Grainne created a welcoming caring, sacred space for us women to enter into. I had such a beautiful evening led by Grainne in movement, relaxation, EFT Tapping and Reiki. This was the first time I had participated in tapping and I aim to make it a regular practice. The goodie bag, was put together with such thoughtfulness and care. Thank you Grainne and the other ladies attending for a beautiful evening. I hope to attend again soon!

  • Clare

    Grainne held a beautiful circle. It was gentle, relaxing and knowledgable. Grainne made us feel at ease. She gave us a better understanding of Tapping, some helpful jouraling tips and how our energy system works. It was a really gorgeous evening.

    Thanks Grainne x

  • Jill

    What a wonderful experience i had at Grainne's circle. We all had a chance to talk about ourselves and I could honestly feel the genuine warmth in the room. We did self tapping, a beautiful meditation and finished off with a lovely Reiki treatment. I picked amazing Angel cards which were totally for me and left feeling relaxed and had an amazing sleep. I love the goodie bag too!! Thank you Gráinne xx